
Learning disability

                            LEARNING DISABILITY Learning disability ,   can be considered as a living problem with which almost one in every seven persons has problem with and about which we are hardly aware of. Learning Disability is a matter of special concern for the student community as very often we mistake the failure of a student with poor intelligence and indiscipline while the true reason very often is due to a deficit in one or more of the ways the brain processes information.  Why it occurs? The causes of learning disability are hard to find. However, the possible causes can be put into three general categories -: i) Biological or organic , including specific factors like (a) neurological dysfunction or malfunctioning of the brain which may occur due to high fever, head injury, pre-mature birth, anoxia and even low blood sugar, (b) uneven growth pattern, also called developmental imbalances or intra-individual differences, etc. ii) Genetic or hereditary iii) Environmental i.

Teenage Pregnancy

                   TEENAGE PREGNANCY Introduction: Teenage pregnancy refers to pregnancy that occurs in females aged 13-19 years. It is a significant public health concern, with numerous consequences for the teenage mother, her child, and society as a whole. Teenage pregnancy is a complex issue that is influenced by various factors, including cultural and socioeconomic factors, education, and access to healthcare. In this blog, we will explore the causes, consequences, and prevention strategies of teenage pregnancy. Causes of Teenage Pregnancy: Teenage pregnancy can occur due to various factors, including: 1. Lack of Sex Education: Lack of sex education in schools and homes can lead to teenagers engaging in unprotected sex, which increases their chances of getting pregnant. 2. Peer Pressure: Teenagers may engage in sexual activity due to peer pressure from their friends or to fit in with their peers. 3. Family Background: A lack of parental guidance, a history of teenage pregnancy in t


                                WHY HEALTH IS IMPORTANT Health is defined as a state of complete mental and physical well-being. It may also be defined as the ability to adjust physical, mental and social challenges throughout life.  To maintain good health is one of the best practices as it gives us feeling of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Living a  healthy lifestyle  can prevent long term illnesses like such as Asthma, Diabetes, heart diseases and many more. It provides us freedom from almost all diseases. According to the  World Health Organisation , better health is the reason behind human happiness and well-being. Some of the ways to remain healthy are: Regular physical exercise and balanced diet is the only way to stay fit & healthy. It reduces the risk of Heart Attack and Type 2 Diabetes. Moreover, to have strong bones and muscles, physical activity is a must needed thing. We must maintain a healthy weight in order to stay fit. By doing this, we can reduc

What Does the Word “Healthy” Even Mean Nowadays!?''

        What Does the Word “Healthy” Even Mean                                      Nowadays!?” Healthy , low-carb, low-fat cheesecake! Scroll down for recipe!” … “Skip the greasy pizza – try cauliflower crust instead for a healthy twist!” … “Only 90 calories per pint! Perfect for getting your summer body ready in time!” The more you scroll, the more you see your favorite foods being changed and altered all in the name of being healthy, but who gets to decide what exactly healthy is?  Of course, eating pizza every day will not give your body proper nutrients, but enjoying a slice one summer afternoon with your toes buried in the sand surrounded by the people who matter most to you sure sounds like happy, healthy day to me.                                                                                                  According to me, healthy is, “Eating what makes your body feel best and staying active. It’s not about how much you weigh, it’s about how you feel and the energy you have


        HEALTHY VS UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE Lifestyle is the way of living of an individual. It includes their  day to day behavior, their functions at job, activities, personality, preferences, and diet. As per Collins Dictionary   “ Lifestyle of a particular person or group of people is the living conditions,  behavior , and habits that are  typical  of them or are  chosen  by them.”   According to people’s health, there can be two types of lifestyles: Healthy lifestyle and Unhealthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the 3 basic foundations of a healthy lifestyle, which keeps a person energetic, fit and at a reduced risk of developing disease. Not only this, lifestyle has a significant influence on physical, mental and social well-being of humans.   Still some people do not pay attention to their lifestyles. Lots of people nowadays have an unhealthy lifestyle, because of which  they encounter illness, disability and sometimes even death. There are several p


                          PSYCOTIC DISORDERS   27 DEC 2021/ DHARMENDER NARWAL Psychotic disorders are a group of mental illnesses that affects how  the brain works. These illnesses could have different symptoms, causes, types, and treatment options, and like  mental disorders , they could be various in number.  The human brain is quite complicated and this is why it is difficult to understand it completely. There could be a number of reasons for psychotic disorders but, doctors still do not know exactly what causes them.  However, with early diagnosis, proper intervention, medication, and support, people having these mental illnesses could lead a normal and productive life. Are Psychotic Disorder, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia the Same? No, all three of these are different from each other. Many people think that since all of these illnesses are related to delusion, all three of them are the same. Psychotic disorders are a group of mental illnesses while psychosis is a symptom. As a symp


           ONLINE GAMING AS CARRER                   November 28,2021/ Dharmender Narwal Think of a workplace where you do not have to follow a fixed 9-5 schedule; where you play games for 12-14 hours a day and get paid attractive figures. You guessed that right. A career in gaming is now a reality! You can become a pro-gamer; take part in national and international championships and play for your country. What’s not to love? But hey, there is something you must know- you have to be fantastic at this!   Why a career in gaming? According to  KPMG and Google’s report ‘Online gaming in India: Reaching a new pinnacle’ , the Indian gaming industry is set to add 190 million gamers by 2021. As the market drivers of this industry are rising income of households, increasing smartphone accessibility in rural and urban areas, and affordable and economical technological systems, the internet penetration as of today stands at 31% and is going to see an elevation of 53% of the total popul