PSYCOTIC DISORDERS 


Psychotic disorders are a group of mental illnesses that affects how the brain works. These illnesses could have different symptoms, causes, types, and treatment options, and like mental disorders, they could be various in number. The human brain is quite complicated and this is why it is difficult to understand it completely. There could be a number of reasons for psychotic disorders but, doctors still do not know exactly what causes them. However, with early diagnosis, proper intervention, medication, and support, people having these mental illnesses could lead a normal and productive life.

Are Psychotic Disorder, Psychosis, and Schizophrenia the Same?

No, all three of these are different from each other. Many people think that since all of these illnesses are related to delusion, all three of them are the same. Psychotic disorders are a group of mental illnesses while psychosis is a symptom.

As a symptom, psychosis could happen as an onset of a psychotic disorder. This disorder could be anything like schizophrenia or any other mental disease.

Schizophrenia is a standalone disease in which the person experiences delusions and hallucinations. These hallucinations could either be visual or auditory and this could be accompanied by antisocial behavior also.

Schizophrenia is one of such diseases that are purely based on the fault of the structure of the brain.

Symptoms - What are the Key Symptoms of Psychotic Disorders?

There could be a number of symptoms and signs but hallucinations, disrupted thinking, and delusions are the main symptoms.  

Hallucinations - when hallucinating, the sees, hears and experiences things that do not actually exist. For example, a person may hallucinate about seeing or hearing something that is non-existent. He may also have strange sensations and a funny taste in his mouth. 

Delusions - delusions are false beliefs that persist even when it is proved to them that what they are thinking is false. For example, a person believes that his wife is having a knife and she is going to kill him. The person will continue with the belief even when it is proved that what he thinks is wrong.

What are the Main Causes of Psychotic Disorders?

causes of psychotic disorders

Unfortunately, there are no known reasons for psychotic disorders. Doctors and researchers believe that there could be a number of reasons and causes that may result in a psychotic disorder. Some disorders may also run in the family. A person is more at risk if any of the blood relatives are having such a condition. Besides genetics, outside factors like drug and substance abuse, stress, phobias, and major changes in life. Other people that have schizophrenia could have issues related to some parts of their brain.

Treatment - What is the Treatment for Psychotic Disorder's

The person has better chances of improvement if he is diagnosed earlier, ideally after the first episode of any mental disease. As per the research, for best results, a treatment approach known as Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) works the best. For the treatment, a group of professional health care specialists works together with the person to design a customized treatment plan. The plan is based on the future goals of the person and keeps the family members in the loop.

CSC involves the following elements:-

  • Family support and Appropriate Education
  • Peer and Group Support
  • Case Management
  • Medical Support and Medication
  • Psychotherapy
  • Support for Education and Job

Tips to Improve your Mental Health Naturally 

Besides medication, counseling, and therapy, you can also do something for your well-being. We do not say that these tips will prevent or cure psychotic disorders but they can help you with the symptoms. Following these tips are especially important if you have a family history of psychotic disorder.                                  Here are some natural and everyday tips to improve your mental health conditions.   

  1} Make a sleep schedule and stick to it to get plenty of and proper sleep.                                                                                             2} Eat a well-balanced diet that is rich in all the essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and essential oils.                                                                                 3} Avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs because they could trigger a psychotic episode.                                                                            4} Get plenty of sunlight to fulfill your need for vitamin D, which is important for a healthy brain and body.                                     5} Try de-stressing activities and exercises like meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises.                                                          6} Make a workout routine and try to exercise for at least 20 to 25 minutes daily. This will help in keeping your health and boost good chemicals in your brain.


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