What Does the Word “Healthy” Even Mean Nowadays!?''


     What Does the Word “Healthy” Even Mean                                      Nowadays!?”

Healthy, low-carb, low-fat cheesecake! Scroll down for recipe!” … “Skip the greasy pizza – try cauliflower crust instead for a healthy twist!” … “Only 90 calories per pint! Perfect for getting your summer body ready in time!”

The more you scroll, the more you see your favorite foods being changed and altered all in the name of being healthy, but who gets to decide what exactly healthy is? 

Of course, eating pizza every day will not give your body proper nutrients, but enjoying a slice one summer afternoon with your toes buried in the sand surrounded by the people who matter most to you sure sounds like happy, healthy day to me.                                                                                                  According to me, healthy is, “Eating what makes your body feel best and staying active. It’s not about how much you weigh, it’s about how you feel and the energy you have. Feeling happy is also feeling healthy.” With a definition like this, those Instagram captions that draw you in with pretty pictures and aesthetic vibes hold no value.

We often get so caught up in social media, captions, hashtags, billboards, articles, headlines, and even our own heads so much that we forget that we are each individual beings who need to take care of our whole selves, on our own terms. 

With the amount of times we’re told to not to eat something because it isn’t healthy, it’s easy to forget that perhaps walking to your local ice cream shop and enjoying .

Being healthy involves many aspects, and it’s essential to take a step back, without your eyes glued to the captions. Instead, realize that this word is simply seven letters in a row.


Those days when Heart Attack used to occur for 60’s or 70’s. Now-a-days in this fast paced life, nobody is batting an eye towards health. Alcohol, Smoking, Junk food, eating at irregular times making even 30’s guys vulnerable to Heart strokes.

One of my relatives, he was working as a senior program manager in Bangalore at a reputed post and he is in his early 40’s. He lost his life a year ago due to massive heart stroke. He has a 6 yr old Kid. 

He used to smoke a lot, used to drink every weekend and used to eat fast food at his table in the office. His sedentary lifestyle did an irreparable damage to his family. He used to work a lot too. 55 hour/week is a norm. Very sad.

Never ever neglect your health. Go for regular health checkups once you cross even 45.

Eat healthy, stay healthy.

As  "DALAI LAMA"( a title given by the Tibetan people to the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest and most dominant of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism) also said-

"Most surprised thing about humans is he/she sacrifices his/her health to make money, then he sacrifices his money to recuperate his/her health again".


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