
Showing posts from November, 2021


           ONLINE GAMING AS CARRER                   November 28,2021/ Dharmender Narwal Think of a workplace where you do not have to follow a fixed 9-5 schedule; where you play games for 12-14 hours a day and get paid attractive figures. You guessed that right. A career in gaming is now a reality! You can become a pro-gamer; take part in national and international championships and play for your country. What’s not to love? But hey, there is something you must know- you have to be fantastic at this!   Why a career in gaming? According to  KPMG and Google’s report ‘Online gaming in India: Reaching a new pinnacle’ , the Indian gaming industry is set to add 190 million gamers by 2021. As the market drivers of this industry are rising income of households, increasing smartphone accessibility in rural and urban areas, and affordable and economical technological systems, the internet penetration as of today stands at 31% and is going to see an elevation of 53% of the total popul