
Showing posts from November, 2023

Learning disability

                            LEARNING DISABILITY Learning disability ,   can be considered as a living problem with which almost one in every seven persons has problem with and about which we are hardly aware of. Learning Disability is a matter of special concern for the student community as very often we mistake the failure of a student with poor intelligence and indiscipline while the true reason very often is due to a deficit in one or more of the ways the brain processes information.  Why it occurs? The causes of learning disability are hard to find. However, the possible causes can be put into three general categories -: i) Biological or organic , including specific factors like (a) neurological dysfunction or malfunctioning of the brain which may occur due to high fever, head injury, pre-mature birth, anoxia and even low blood sugar, (b) uneven growth pattern, also called developmental imbalances or intra-individual differences, etc. ii) Genetic or hereditary iii) Environmental i.